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Strict or Supportive: The Dichotomy of Authoritative Parenting

In the complex world of parenting styles, the authoritative approach strikes a balance between being strict and supportive, creating a nurturing environment that fosters both discipline and independence. Let’s delve into this dichotomy and explore practical tips and examples for practicing authoritative parenting:


Understanding Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parents set clear expectations and rules while valuing open communication and flexibility. They provide guidance and warmth, promoting healthy emotional development and decision-making skills.


  1. Clear Communication

Tip: Explain rules and expectations to your child in a clear and understandable manner.

Example: Before a playdate, discuss the importance of sharing toys and taking turns with your child.


  1. Consistent Boundaries

Tip: Establish consistent boundaries and consequences for misbehavior.

Example: If your child consistently refuses to clean up their toys, calmly explain that they won’t have access to them until they do.


  1. Active Listening

Tip: Listen to your child’s thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Example: When your child expresses frustration about a challenging homework assignment, validate their feelings and offer assistance.


  1. Encouraging Independence

Tip: Allow your child to make age-appropriate decisions and take responsibility.

Example: Let your child choose their outfit for the day, giving them a sense of autonomy.


  1. Setting Realistic Expectations

Tip: Avoid setting unattainable standards; recognize and praise effort.

Example: If your child is learning to tie their shoes, celebrate their progress even if they don’t get it perfect every time.


  1. Providing Reasons

Tip: Explain the reasons behind your decisions and rules, helping your child understand the bigger picture.

Example: If bedtime is non-negotiable, explain that a good night’s sleep helps them have a productive day.


  1. Problem-Solving Together

Tip: Involve your child in finding solutions to challenges they face.

Example: If your child struggles with completing homework, brainstorm together to create a dedicated study routine.


  1. Modeling Behavior

Tip: Demonstrate the behavior you expect from your child.

Example: Show kindness and respect to others, teaching your child to do the same.


  1. Encouraging Open Discussions

Tip: Create a safe space for your child to express their thoughts and ask questions.

Example: When discussing a topic like puberty, ensure they feel comfortable discussing their concerns.


  1. Positive Reinforcement

Tip: Recognize and reward your child’s positive behavior.

Example: If your child consistently finishes their chores on time, offer a special treat or activity as a reward.


Authoritative parenting requires adaptability and empathy. By maintaining a balance between being strict and supportive, you can help your child develop into a well-rounded individual with a strong sense of responsibility, self-confidence, and understanding of boundaries. Remember that every child is unique, so tailor your approach to their personality and needs.


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Also Read: Setting Age-Appropriate Limits: Establishing Rules and Consistency for Parenting Success


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