Getting a Baby to Sleep: Best Tips! It can be challenging for first-time parents to get their babies to sleep. Those sleepless nights can make you feel tired, and you may wonder if you can ever sleep through the night again. The good news is that tried-and-true sleep tips for you and your baby will help you sleep better. These simple sleep tips will help whether you are a parent with much experience or want extra help.
1) Create a Routine: Parenting Advice for New Parents
Babies love routines. One of the best things you can do to help your baby sleep better is to create a bedtime routine. By this routine, your baby will know when to relax and get ready for sleep.
Some Routine things to do every night might be:
- A warm bath
- Getting pyjamas together
- A lullaby or story
- Sounds that calm your baby down and dim lights
If you do these things in the same order every night, your baby will start to learn when it’s time for bed. Be consistent with your routine!
2. Make Your Baby’s Room Comfortable: Moms and Dads
A cozy environment may help your baby sleep better.
Here’s what you can do:
Make the room quiet and dark. Close the blinds, turn off or dim the lights.
Keep the temperature down a bit. Babies should sleep in a room between 20 °C and 22°C (68°F and 72°F).
Play white noise or a sound machine. Low, steady noise may help block out other sounds that could wake your child.
Also, make sure that your baby’s cradle or crib is safe. If you don’t want to suffocate, stay away from open blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals.
3. Help your child tell the difference between day and night
Newborns often have trouble telling the difference between day and night, making it hard for everyone to sleep.
To help your baby tell the difference between day and night:
- Keep the day bright and full of energy. Ensure your child has enough natural light and things to do during the day.
- Keep the peace at night. Reduce noise and stimulation in the evening, and don’t use bright lights or spend time in front of a computer right before bed.
This will change your child’s internal clock so that he or she can sleep better at night.
4. Feed Your Baby Well: Getting a Baby to Sleep
Well-fed babies will fall asleep! If your kid is hungry, it might be hard to calm down and sleep. Ensure they eat before sleep so they don’t wake up hungry.
Facts about babies who are fed formula or breast milk:
Newborns may need to eat every two to three hours, so get ready to be fed a lot.
Depending on their needs, you can slowly get bigger babies to stretch more between nighttime meals.
Don’t overfeed your baby right before bed. It could make them unhappy or gassy, which could wake them up.

5. Put Your Baby Down When Awake but Sleepy: Top Tips
A great way to teach your child how to sleep independently is to put them down when tired but still awake. This helps kids learn to fall asleep without being rocked or taken to sleep, making it easier for them to calm down when they wake up early.
It’s okay to comfort your baby if they cry when you lay them down. But over time, your baby needs to learn to fall asleep independently. This is the key to long, unbroken sleep.
6. Daytime Naps: Getting a Baby to Sleep
Babies need to sleep a lot, both at night and during the day. Naps keep your baby from getting too tired, which would make it harder for them to sleep at night.
It’s essential to ensure your baby takes regular naps every day. Depending on their age, babies need two to four naps every day.
However, try to keep naps away from times right before bedtime. This will make it harder for your baby to fall asleep when it’s time for bed.
7. Be Patient With Sleep Regressions: Child Rearing
When you think you have your baby’s sleep plan down pat, they could slip backwards in their sleep. This often happens at developmental stages or times of rapid growth. Your baby may have trouble sleeping during the day or wake up more often at night.
Even though sleep regressions only last a short time, sticking to your routine during them is essential. Remember to comfort and support your child, and know that he or she will sleep soundly again.
8. Sleep Training: getting a Baby to Sleep
Some babies may need more help learning how to go to sleep at night. Sleep training is one good way to teach your baby how to sleep well.
There are several ways to do this, and one can choose:
The Ferber Method: Gradually lengthen when you wait to comfort your baby after they cry.
Chair Method: Sit next to your baby while they sleep and slowly move away each night.
No Tears Method: You can comfort your baby with the No Tears Method without letting them cry.
Because every baby is different, picking a method that works for your family is important. Learning how to sleep takes time, so be consistent and gentle.
In what ways could Parenting Genie be helpful? Supporting Parenting
Parenting Genie has tools to help you if your baby is having trouble sleeping or if you need more help:
Sleep Training 101: Online Parenting Course will teach you valuable ways to help your child sleep better. This online course has many helpful tools and tips that you can use immediately to help your baby sleep better.
Parenting Tools: The Parenting Genie website offers many helpful sleep trackers, planners, and other tools. These tools can help you monitor your baby’s sleeping habits and create a more regular schedule.
Genie Chat and Parenting Live Expert: If you need answers, Genie Chat and Parenting Live Experts are always ready to help. These tools offer professional advice on sleep problems 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Last Thoughts
Even though challenging, you can get your baby to sleep using the proper techniques and resources. Be patient and stick to a regular bedtime routine, ensure the room is comfortable, and follow the other tips. This will help both you and your child get the rest you need.
Don’t forget, if you need more help, Parenting Genie is here to guide you every step of the way. Check out the Sleep Training 101 Course or contact a Parenting Live Expert for personalised advice.
Try Genie Chat for 24/7 support, and start your journey to better sleep today!
Raising Children has some additional tips on getting your baby to sleep.