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Understanding Fetal Movements During Pregnancy

Understanding Fetal Movements
Understanding Fetal Movements!

Understanding Fetal Movements! Feeling your baby move for the first time is one of the most beautiful parts of pregnancy. These small kicks flips, and rolls indicate that your baby is developing and growing well within your womb. While foetal movements can be exciting and joyful, they can cause many pregnant moms to have questions and concerns. The concerns are mainly related to reduced foetal movements or the inability to track them.

This article will review all you need to know about fetal movements. We will cover when to expect the first kicks, what’s typical, and when you should consult a healthcare professional.

When Do You First Feel Fetal Movements?

Most first-time mothers can expect to feel their baby move between 18 and 25 weeks of pregnancy. However, some women may experience those early flutters, sometimes known as a “butterfly” sensation, as early as 16 weeks. These earliest movements, known as quickening, are often moderate and light, making them easily mistaken for gas or stomach gurgles.

You may notice movements early if it’s not your first pregnancy because you’re more used to the sensations.

What Do Foetal Movements Feel Like? New Moms and Dads

The sensation of fetal movements varies with the stage of pregnancy. Early on, the movements are usually modest and inconspicuous, such as:

  • Fluttering butterflies
  • Gentle taps or kicks.
  • Rolling sensations.

As your baby develops and strengthens, his movements become more visible and frequent. You may feel more pronounced kicks, jabs, or the sense of your baby flipping or twisting in your womb.

Why Are Foetal Movements Important? Understanding Fetal Movements

Feeling your baby move is a beautiful indication that they are healthy and developing typically. Movement indicates that your baby’s muscles and neurological system are functioning. Over time, you’ll grow familiar with your baby’s activity pattern, allowing you to identify any changes or potential problems.

  • Active times: Babies often have active and rest times. You may notice that your baby moves more during particular times of the day, such as after meals or in the evening.
  • Quiet intervals: It is typical for newborns to have quiet intervals. However, if you detect a sudden drop or increase in movement, you should closely monitor the situation and consult your healthcare professional.

When Do Babies Move Most? Understanding Fetal Movements

As your baby grows, their movements become more consistent, and you may see patterns. Some babies are more active during specific periods of the day or night. For example, you may experience increased movement:

  • After having a meal or drinking something cold
  • In the evening, you rest
  • Following physical action, such as walking or exercising.
  • When lying down or sitting quietly
  • Babies are also more active when relaxing since your body movement can softly rock them to sleep while you move around.
Fetal Movements- Bonding with Unborn Baby
Fetal Movements- Bonding with Unborn Baby!

Tracking Fetal Movement: Understanding Fetal Movements

Your healthcare professional may urge you to track your baby’s movements around 28 weeks. This allows you to monitor your baby’s health and detect any changes in activity.

Kick counts are a simple technique to track movements. 

Here’s how to track:

  • Select a time of day when your infant is most active, such as after a meal or activity.
  • Sit or lie down in a peaceful area.
  • Count how many kicks, rolls, or movements you experience in one hour.
  • If you don’t feel ten movements within an hour, have a cool drink or eat a snack before counting again.
  • It would be best to feel at least ten motions within two hours. Contact your doctor if you don’t feel enough movement or your baby’s activity level fluctuates substantially.

What Happens If You Don’t Feel Movements?

It’s natural to be concerned if you detect less movement than usual, but this can be caused by the baby’s position or sleep cycle. Babies sleep for most of the day (up to 14 hours), which may explain quieter intervals.

If you’re concerned, here’s what you can do to encourage movements:

  • Drink a glass of cool water or fruit juice.
  • Lie on your side and relax.
  • Eat a modest snack.
  • Gently poke or nudge your abdomen.

However, if you are in the third trimester and detect a substantial decline in activity or no movement at all, you should seek medical attention immediately. If you’re unsure, be cautious and have your baby checked.

Factors That Can Affect Fetal Movements

Several factors can influence the frequency and interval of your baby’s moves. These may include:

  • Placenta Position: If your placenta is located at the front of your uterus (anterior placenta), it may cushion some movements, making them less noticeable.
  • Baby’s Position: If your baby faces your spine, their kicks and movements may not feel as powerful.
  • Mother’s Activity Level: When you are busy or moving around a lot, you may miss your baby’s movements.

When To Call Your Doctor: Parenting Advice for New Parents

You should contact your healthcare professional if you see any of the following.

Your baby’s movements have significantly decreased or completely stopped.

A rapid surge in movement that feels odd or frenetic

If you haven’t felt any movement by 24 weeks, your doctor may recommend an ultrasound or non-stress test to monitor your baby’s health.

How Parenting Genie Can Help: Supporting Parenting

If you have any queries or worries about your baby’s movements, Parenting Genie is here to help:

Genie Chat provides instant answers if you are unsure of anything. This parenting tool is available 24/7. If you have any concerns about fetal movement, you can ask questions and receive answers anytime or night.

They also provide Parenting Live Experts 24/7.

One-on-one consultations: Use Parenting Genie to schedule a one-on-one session with a competent healthcare provider. Our specialists are here to provide individualized guidance and answer any questions you may have regarding your pregnancy.

Online Classes: Join our online classes to learn about pregnancy, labour, and newborn care, boosting your confidence and readiness for the journey ahead. Antenatal/Postpartum Online Class book now!

Conclusion: Understanding Fetal Movements

Feeling your baby move is a beautiful element of pregnancy that allows you to connect with your unborn baby. Understanding what is typical for fetal movement and tracking your baby’s activity can allow you to safeguard their well-being and seek help when necessary.

Remember that each pregnancy is unique, and what is normal for one mother may not be the same for another. If you are ever doubtful, do not hesitate to seek guidance. Contact your doctor or reach out to Parenting Genie. Parenting Genie has a team of Registered Midwives and is here to help you every step of the journey!

Raising Children has additional tips on understanding fetal movements.


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