An exciting aspect of parenthood is observing your child’s development and attainment of new milestones. Every step shows that they are learning and growing from the moment they grin for the first time to when they say their first word. Understanding Child Development Milestones!
While every child is unique and develops at their own pace, there are general milestones that most children reach around the same age.
In this blog, you will learn about critical developmental milestones and how you can support your child as they progress through each stage.
0-3 Months: First Discoveries- Understanding Child Development
The first few months of a baby’s life are spent learning how to adapt to the surrounding environment.
There are certain early milestones that you might notice:
- Smiles: Between six and eight weeks, your infant may begin to smile at you. This is their method of expressing contentment and forming a connection with you.
- Attempting to lift its head: When your baby is on its stomach, it will try to elevate its head and look around. This assists in strengthening the muscles in the neck.
- Tracking Objects: Your baby’s eyes will begin to track moving objects and faces. As they develop the ability to do so, indicating their vision is improving.
The best way to promote this, is to let your baby spend some time on their tummy every day. While having tummy time, smile at them, and talk to them frequently. These exercises will expand their muscles, which also enhances bonding. Supporting Parenting!
4-6 Months: Getting Active- Understanding Child Development
At this point, your infant will begin to get more active and will start to investigate their body as well as their environment.
- Rolling over: Many infants roll over from their stomachs to their backs.
- Your infant will attempt to grab items and bring them to their lips to play with them. This is beneficial for improving hand-eye coordination.
- The more your baby learns to use their voice, the more sounds they will make, such as coos and babbles you will begin to discover.
Playing simple games like peek-a-boo and putting toys within their reach are two ways to support them. Speaking back to your infant is a great way to encourage them to create sounds.
7-12 Months: Big Changes- Understanding Child Development
Babies go through a significant development phase and become more mobile now.
- Crawling: Some infants begin to crawl between seven and ten months, while others may scoot or roll instead.
- When infants can sit up without assistance, they will learn to sit.
- Many infants can articulate their first words, such as “Mama” or “Dada,” when celebrating their first birthday.
- Your infant may pull themselves up to stand and walk while holding onto furniture. This is referred to as “standing and cruising.”
Assisting them: Parent child relationship- Moms and Dads
Establish a secure environment for your infant to explore. Please show your support for them while they attempt to crawl or stand. Encourage language skills by talking to them, singing and reading books.

1-2 Years: Toddler Time- Understanding Child Development
Your child’s personality will emerge and become more apparent at this point. As time passes, your child acquires new abilities and becomes more self-sufficient.
- Most children take their first steps when they are between 12 and 15 months old.
- When it comes to talking, your toddler will acquire more words and begin to use simple phrases such as “More juice” or “All done.”
- Playing with other children: Your child may be interested in playing with other children, even if they only play next to them.
- Putting a block in the appropriate hole is a simple problem toddlers like solving. They enjoy exploring and finding solutions to simple challenges.
You can encourage your toddler to walk by holding their hand and using push toys. This is how you provide support for them. Throughout the day, talk with them, name things and ask them questions. To encourage children to play, provide them with simple puzzles and blocks.
3-4 Years: The Learning Years
Preschoolers are brimming with inquiries and passionate about gaining world knowledge.
- During this time, your child will develop better coordination and engage in activities such as running, leaping, and climbing.
- By this age, most children are able to have simple conversations and talk in complete phrases.
- Imaginative play becomes a significant component of their day, and they like playing pretend. For example, they might act as if they are a chef, a doctor, or a superhero.
- Counting and singing the alphabet are activities your child may enjoy while learning numbers and letters. Your youngster may identify some numbers and letters.
Assisting them: Parenting Advice for New Parents
Together, engage in physically demanding games such as tag or hopscotch. After reading their stories, please encourage them to share their stories with you. Dress-up outfits and toys that encourage pretend play should be easily accessible.
Involve family members to make it fun and more exciting.

Between the ages of 5 and 6 years: Prepared to Attend School
When your kid is getting ready to start school, they will demonstrate increased independence and develop essential social and academic abilities.
- Your preschooler may begin to write their name and draw more elaborate pictures. They may also start to draw more intricate pictures.
- Making friends: They will experience the beginning stages of developing genuine friendships and will learn how to share and take turns.
- The ability to follow instructions: Your child will be able to follow simple instructions that involve multiple steps, such as “Put your shoes on and grab your bag.”
- Teaching them the fundamentals of mathematics: counting, adding, and identifying shapes are all included into their play and learning.
Assisting them: Parenting Styles- Child Rearing
Giving your child paper and crayons is a great way to encourage them to draw and write. Organise playdates for them to improve their social skills. Make studying maths more enjoyable by playing counting games and solving riddles.
Conclusion- Understanding Child Development
Each child is unique and can naturally complete developmental milestones at their own rate. Some people may talk early but walk later, which is fine. If you ever have concerns regarding your child’s growth, consult a physician or psychologist specialising in child development.
Celebrating your child’s progress and taking pleasure in every moment is the most important thing you can do. Your love, support, and encouragement facilitate their development into joyful and self-assured children.
Visit Parenting Genie and contact our specialists to receive additional advice and assistance regarding parenting and child growth.
Parenting Genie has the Parenting Live Expert and Genie Chat available 24/7 to answer any questions. The library has comprehensive resources to help and guide with child development.
You can also watch some videos on activities that you can do to boost your child’s development.
The Raising Children website has some insights into child development.