Beginning preschool is a significant change for parents as much as for children. This exciting period is full of fresh encounters, educational possibilities, and many emotions. Preparing for Preschool!
For first-time parents, though, it can also be overwhelming. Is your youngster ready? How can you find out? How should one get ready for this significant turning point?
Relax; we have you covered! Our blog will post easy and useful advice to enable you and your kid to confidently prepare for preschool.
1. Talk About Preschool Early
A few weeks or even months before their first day, start discussing preschool with your youngster. Discuss their expectations—that of making new friends, engaging in games, and studying entertaining subjects.
Here’s how you can make the conversation positive:
- Speak in plain English: “You will soon be preschool ready. Toys, books, and other children abound here for fun play.
- Share interesting specifics: “You’ll get to paint pictures and hear stories daily!”
Preschool conversations help your youngster feel more at ease and eager about the change. Pay attention to your child during the conversation.
2. Visit the Preschool Together
If possible, take your preschooler to see their preschool before the first day. Show them their classroom, playground, and other spaces of use. If feasible, let them meet their teacher.
During the visitation:
- Call attention to exciting objects like vibrant posters or toys.
- Encourage them to probe and ask questions.
- Discuss their likely activities, including where they will sit for lunch or play outside.
Introducing your youngster to the surroundings will seem less frightening and more like a second home.
3. Get Used to Being Apart: Social Skills
Preschool could seem daunting if your youngster has spent little time apart from you. Begin teaching brief separations before their first day. For example:
- Plan a playdate with a cousin or close friend.
- Leave them with an hourly or two babysitters.
Tell your youngster you will always come back. Gradually increase their time apart from you to enable easier preschool adjustment.
4. Establish a Routine: Preparing for Preschool
There is a school schedule, so it helps to ease the change if you can get your youngster used to a routine beforehand. Start working on:
- Morning Routine: Wake them up, have breakfast, and get dressed at the same time every day.
- Meal Times: Serve snacks and lunch around the same times they’ll eat at preschool.
- Bedtime Routine: Make sure they’re well-rested by setting a consistent bedtime.
Your child will feel more comfortable and ready for preschool if they have a schedule. This is also helpful in the long term.
5. Encourage Independence: Preparing for Preschool
Children should learn and grow at school; thus, developing their independence is quite important. Instruct your youngster in basic abilities they will require, including:
- Changing into their shoes and jackets.
- Making independent use of the bathroom.
- Tidying up toys after playtime.
- Opening and closing lunch boxes or snack containers.
At home, hone these abilities so your child feels competent using them at preschool.
6. Read Books About Preschool
One great approach to get your youngster ready for preschool is with books. Search for picture books discussing enjoyable and constructive ways to approach beginning school. There are some excellent choices like:
- “The Kissing Hand,” by Audrey Penn
- Anna Dewdney’s “Llama Llame Misses Mama”
- First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg
Together, we go over how the characters in these books feel. This lets your child connect to the narrative and grasp their feelings.

7. Talk About Feelings/Emotions
Beginning preschool can cause your child to experience various feelings, from exhilaration to anxiety to even terror. Tell them it’s very normal to feel this way.
Inquire about how they feel, then pay close attention. One could say stuff like:
- “It’s normal to feel a little nervous about new things.”
- “What are you most excited about for preschool?”
Open communication about emotions lets your child feel supported and enables them to process their feelings.
8. Label Everything: Preparing for Preschool
Schools can grow crowded, and objects can easily vanish. Verify that everything your child brings to school is labels:
- Backpack Lunchbox Water Bottle
- Shoes and clothes
Let your child choose amusing stickers or use labels bearing their name to make it more personal.
9. Pack a Comfort Item: Preparing for Preschool
Preschool’s first few days might be taxing, so pack a little comfort item for your child. This might be a family snapshot, a plush animal, or a unique bracelet. Having something familiar can make kids feel connected to their house and safe.
Check with the preschool to ensure comfort items are allowed.
10: Engage in School Activities
Engage your child in typical household activities to help them prepare for preschool. You could:
- Read books and ask them to describe the pictures.
- Do simple crafts like coloring or gluing.
- Sing songs or recite nursery rhymes.
These exercises help develop listening, following directions, and remaining focused.
11. Prepare Yourself Too: Parenting Challenges
You are also reaching this milestone, and it is not only your child beginning preschool! One naturally feels emotional, anxious, or uncertain. Regarding getting ready:
- Remember—the teachers at the school are meant to look after and mentor your child.
- Conversation with other parents will allow you to feel less alone and supported.
Your child looks to you for signs; stay positive. They will also be excited and confident if you are.
12. Keep the Goodbye Short and Sweet: Preparing for Preschool
Saying farewell on the first day could be difficult for both of you. Keep it brief, upbeat, and supportive. As in:
- Give a hug and say, “Have a great day! I’ll see you after school.”
- Avoid lingering, as this can make it harder for your child to settle in.
Should your youngster become agitated, remain calm and comfort them. Once the day gets going, most kids adapt fast.
13. Celebrate Their First Day: First Time Mums
Give the first day of preschool extra significance. After school, snap a picture, pack their preferred snack, or arrange a little gathering. Honour their bravery and fresh exploration. This generates happy memories and makes one eager to return.
Final Notes: Preparing for Preschool
Although getting ready for preschool is a significant step. It also presents an excellent chance for your child to develop, learn, and meet new friends. Talking about preschool, running drills, and supporting independence will help kids succeed.
Remember, every child changes uniquely. Be slow, encouraging, and pleased of the benchmarks your youngster is reaching. Preschool will soon take the front stage in their daily schedule.
Online Parenting Support- Positive Parenting -Parent Child Relationship
Parenting Genie has comprehensive resources for a smoother journey from pregnancy to raising 5-year-olds. Genie Chat and Parenting Live Expert are available 24/7 to provide instant parenting answers.
You can also book a Zoom or Telehealth consultation with a maternal and child health nurse or a certified lactation consultation.
You can also enroll in online parenting courses or online parenting classes for more support. The online courses include newborn care basics, managing tantrums, toddler behaviours and baby sleep or baby sleep training.
Parenting tools like Genie Chat are helpful in guiding you through this phase.
The Raising Children website has more tips and insights on preparing for preschool.