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Parenting Genie


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Breastfeeding Classes

Breastfeeding Classes

At Parenting Genie, we believe in the incredible benefits of breastfeeding for both moms and babies. 

Our breastfeeding classes are designed to guide you through this essential aspect of motherhood, helping you feel confident and informed.

In our classes, you can expect to:

We are here to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to embark on a successful breastfeeding journey. Our goal is to empower you with the confidence and skills to nourish and bond with your baby through breastfeeding. 

Join our Breastfeeding classes
and give your baby the best start.

We are dedicated to supporting you in making informed choices about your baby’s nutrition and health. 

Enroll in our classes and ensure a strong foundation for both you and your child.

Normal – $165
Special – $129

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