Potty training is an essential step in your child’s growth. It can be exciting but also feel a bit overwhelming for parents. Every child is different, so what works for one child might not work for another. The key is to be patient and supportive. Best Tips for Potty Training!
This guide will cover simple and helpful tips to make potty training a positive experience for you and your child.
When to Start Potty Training? Parenting Advice for New Parents
There is no perfect age to start potty training, but most children are ready between 18 months and 3 years old.
Look for signs that show your child might be ready:
- Staying dry for longer periods: This is a good sign if your child can stay dry for two or more hours during the day.
- Showing interest in the bathroom: Your child may start to show curiosity about what happens there.
- Pulling at a wet or dirty nappy: This shows they are uncomfortable and want to stay dry.
- Telling you when they need to go: If your child starts to let you know when they need to pee or poop, they might be ready.
Remember, starting too early can make the process take longer. Watch your child and begin when they seem ready.
How to Get Started with Potty Training- Supporting Parenting
1. Choose the Right Equipment
- Potty Chair or Seat: Some kids like a potty chair that sits on the floor, while others prefer a small seat that fits on the regular toilet. Let your child help choose, so they feel involved.
- Step Stool: A small step stool helps your child climb up and feel secure if you use a potty seat on the regular toilet.
2. Create a Routine- Raising Children
Take your child to the potty regularly, such as first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bed. A simple routine helps your child know what to expect.
3. Dress Your Child in Easy-to-Remove Clothes
Clothing that is easy to pull up and down helps your child feel more independent. Avoid clothes with tight buttons, zippers, or belts during potty training.
4. Use Positive Reinforcement
Celebrate small successes! Use positive words like, “Great job!” or “I’m proud of you!” You can also use stickers or unique chart to track progress. Rewards can motivate your child and make potty training fun.
Tips to Make Potty Training Easier
- Stay Calm and Patient: Accidents will happen, and that’s okay. If your child has an accident, stay calm and help them clean up. Say something encouraging like, “Next time, we’ll get to the potty on time.”
- Read Potty Books Together: Books can make potty training more interesting. Reading stories about kids learning to use the potty helps your child understand the process.
- Sing Songs or Use Fun Phrases: Making up songs or using fun phrases while waiting on the potty can keep your child entertained.
- Watch for Cues: Pay attention to signs that your child needs to go, like fidgeting, squirming, or holding their belly. Prompt them to use the potty when you see these signs.

Nighttime Potty Training
Nighttime training takes longer than daytime training. Many children aren’t fully dry at night until they are older.
Here’s how you can help:
- Limit drinks before bedtime: Try not to give your child a lot of drinks an hour before bed.
- Use Training Pants: Nighttime training pants can help until your child is ready to sleep without them.
- Keep a Potty Close: If your child needs to go during the night, having a potty close by makes it easier.
- Be patient—nighttime training may take months or even longer, and that’s okay.
Handling Setbacks-Best Tips for Potty Training
Sometimes, your child may take a step backward. This can happen if feeling stressed, unwell, or going through a big change like moving to a new house or starting preschool.
If your child resists using the potty or has more accidents than usual:
- Take a Break: It’s okay to pause and try again later. A break of a few weeks can help.
- Stay Positive: Avoid punishments or showing frustration. Remember that every child learns at their own pace.
- Talk About It: If your child is old enough, talk to them about how they are feeling. Sometimes a simple conversation can help.
Extra Tips for Success- Best Tips for Potty Training
- Be Consistent: Try to keep the routine the same each day. This helps your child know what to expect.
- Make It Fun: Let your child pick out special “big kid” underwear with their favorite characters. This can make them feel excited about staying dry.
- Stay Involved: Check in often and ask your child if they need to go, especially during playtime or when you’re out.
- Praise Progress: Even small steps deserve praise. If your child sits on the potty but doesn’t go, praise them for trying. Encouragement goes a long way.
Final Thoughts- Best Tips for Potty Training
Potty training is a different experience for every family. However, with love, patience, and a bit of creativity, it can be a smooth journey. Remember, it’s not a race, and every child will get there in their own time. Using positive reinforcement and staying relaxed helps your child feel confident and secure.
Parenting Genie– Supporting Every Parenting Style
At Parenting Genie, we offer support for every stage of parenting, including potty training. Our Parenting Live Expert and Genie Chat are available 24/7 to answer any questions you might have.
You can also book one-on-one consultations with Maternal Child Health Nurses or Certified Lactation Consultants.
For more tips and insights, check out our comprehensive parenting resources and Parenting Genie Library.
Potty training is just one part of your parenting adventure. With the right approach and support, you can make it a positive experience for you and your child.
The Raising Children website has more tips and insights for potty training.